Monday, March 19, 2007

Quick Check In

My apologies for the lack of updates.  I saw my new doctor on Thursday.  She was great.  She's calm and reasonable, but with a nice sense of humor.  And, although she's a few years younger than I am, it turns out we lived in the same dorm at the University of Michigan.  Obviously, our doctor-patient relationship was meant to be.  She officially diagnosed me with ulnar neuropathy.  Doesn't that sound impressive?  Basically it means that nerve from my elbow into my hand is irritated.  It shows its displeasure by sending tingling sensations into my forearm, hand, and fingers.  I've been taking Aleve twice a day and doing my best to rest it.  (Did I mention it's my left arm?  Did I mention I'm left-handed?)  My elbow still hurts, but the tingling seems limited to when I'm in a sitting position.  Say, like, at the computer.  My mother thinks it may have something to do with the fact that I type with a grand total of three fingers.  She feels this unorthodox typing style may have something to do with my problem.  I think if she were any kind of a mother, she would offer to stand behind me massaging my shoulder and arm while I type. 


Anonymous said...

Excuuuuuuse me!!  If I were to massage anything, wouldn't it be your elbow?  And would you enjoy me massaging your elbow whilst you type? I think not.
(Still, I wonder about your dufus style of typing being a problem.)

Anonymous said...

Seriously, I cannot believe how fast you type with those three fingers. I hope it gets better. I wonder how many people learn how to touch type at 40? I bet it wouldn't be all that hard! Maybe you should try this cheesy but earnest website I just googled: