Sunday, March 25, 2007

Now I Just Need A Washing Machine In My Yard

David, overheard last weekend:

"Daddy, wake up.  I can't hear the Nascar race over your snoring."


Anonymous said...

I hope you don't mind, but I love the "comment' option. So, please refer back to descriptions of East Springfield before you fall into an almost Jeff Foxworthy commentary of children's statements leading to stereotypes of a washing machine in your yard.  Keep in mind that there is always: "Now all I need is to breastfeed my 8 month old at the local dirt racetrack while sitting beside the mechanic from the gas satation down the road."................don't ask!  :)S

Anonymous said...

Damn.  That man's snorin' would wake the woodchucks down the holler a far piece. And would drown out your singin' over the pigsfeet you was a'cookin'.