Monday, April 23, 2007

Yes, It's Become That Kind Of Blog

I uploaded the pictures from my camera and found a bunch from Juliana's birthday in February.  Boy, they were cute.  But not as cute as these ones of Emma from last week.  (So, I'm dangerously close to becoming a Crazy Guinea Pig Lady.  What's it to you? )

This would be why it's called Head Tilt.

Here she is getting her antibiotic

That right eye is still looking a little wonky

Less tilty!

Piggy burrito

I am happy to report that Emma seems to have made a full recovery!  She's back in the regular pen with Spots and is perky and happy.  The tilt is almost completely gone; all that remains is a slightly quizzical look.  Tomorrow maybe I'll put a tiny sombrero on her and take more pictures.


Anonymous said...

Poor pig Emma!

Anonymous said...

I am a bad person.  I nearly split a gut at the wonky eye and the head tilt.  I mean, piggies make me laugh anyway, but that?  That's hilarious. But I've very glad she's on the mend and having a pig that always seems to be saying "WHAT did you just say?" would be a delight.