Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Blog Guilt

My sister called today and left me a message strewn with blog guilt, so here I am.  Let me try to get things back on track.

First off, Emma seems to be a bit better.  She is definitely perkier and she continues to eat with gusto, but her eye looks funny to me and she still has a bit of a head tilt.  I called the vet with an update on Monday and she called me back later in the day to recommend giving the meds another 4-5 days to work and seeing how she is then.  I still have her separate from the other guinea pig and I'm concerned about putting them back together.  Luckily, she takes her medicine like a dream.  I wrap her up in a dish towel (as the vet put it "make her into a piggy burrito") and hold her and she takes to the dropper just like a baby with a bottle.  She even gets her little claws up and around it sometimes. 

It's been a pretty blah week.  We're back into school and activities full swing after the Spring Break/Passover extended vacation.  It's been raining like mad and the weather has just sucked all motivation out of me.  I did manage to get a few nagging little projects done around the house yesterday, but then I found myself watching the Virginia Tech news coverage all afternoon. 

Today an email came from the school all about head lice.  What are the odds that they sent that out purely to disseminate public health information?  <sigh>

Let's end on an upbeat note:  On Sunday we went out to dinner with our neighbors.  We had to wait 45 minutes for a table and the service was awful.  By the time we finished up it was practically bedtime.  The neighbors were going out to Cold Stone Creamery afterwards, but I told my kids they would have to make do with the dish of ice cream that came with their meal.  David whined that Andrew got to go to Cold Stone.  I took advantage of a perfect parenting moment and said, "Well, if Andrew jumped off a bridge, would you?"  David used his best What A Moron You Are Voice to say, "Of course not.  But if Andew went to Cold Stone, I would go too!"


Anonymous said...

I remember so clearly when your sister, in second or third grade, came home and said, "Guess what the school nurse did today?"
I, like a dope, asked what.
"She checked us all for head lice!"
I immediately commenced to itch.  Then you did.  Then we all did.  
Gosh, I'll miss you and the kids till the current event is over. <scratch scratch>

Anonymous said...

If you think head lice hysteria is a problem, try pinworm hysteria! 'Nuff said.

Anonymous said...

LOL, Jake brought a note home yesterday that someone in his class has lice.  <shudder>  Then he told me specifically which little girl has it.  :::hurl:::  I've checked his head and I'm hoping that she's still out of school when I go into the class tomorrow to volunteer.  I'm such a wuss.  

Anonymous said...

Jenna's best buddy had it and I was in mortal fear that she would get them.  With all her hair that would have been a nightmare!!! Glad Emma is improving!