Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Cuddly critter seems lost and is found


Anonymous said...

Dude.  Capyberra.  Lord how I love them.  We even have a book from the 50s about a family that kept one as a pet.  Lucky bastards.  

Anonymous said...

Oh hapless is not a capyberra.  Or a cranberra.  Or even a yogi berra. It is a Cavy.  
And may I say that a certain woman INDY called me today and told me that if she could just have one, all the world would be right and life would be happy ever after. Did you note that the thing can just 6 feet in the air?  Yep, that's what we want around the children.  Uh huh.

Anonymous said...

So, I am forced to agree with momdeplume, because WSEE Erie (local tv station which is ALWAYS extremely accurate in EVERYTHING they report) did do a segment this very morning about a Patagonian Cavy found in Oregon!  See, yesterday I was somewhat confused by the WANT!! blog, and had to 'think on it' for a while (truly, I really thought Janet had simply lost her mind).  But, then it all made sense!  See again, way back in 1982, Janet thought that if she could just own E.T. (Yes, Spielberg's out-of-this-world alien) then all would be right with the world!  Good Lord, she is a fickle one!  :)S

Anonymous said...

But dudes, this is a photo from an Onion story.  And yes, that is a Cavy.  My error.  And it IS wicked cute.  But for me, it's giant guinea pigs all the way (even though clearly can't spell):