Sunday, December 24, 2006

She Can't Take It Any More!

On Friday night, my mother and I went to Shabbat services at the synagogue.  It's not often that I get to go to the grown up service and I always enjoy it when I do.  Our usual gig is the Family Service, which is an abbreviated service followed by a potluck dinner that occurs once a month.   Every now and then, though, a holiday falls such that we all end up at a regular Shabbat service.  For example, last week the first night of Chanukah fell on a Friday.  Our synagogue celebrated it with a dinner followed by a service.  The week preceding had been a busy one, full of class parties and special events.  By the time Friday rolled around, we were all pretty whipped.  The dinner part was lovely--lots to eat and plenty of friends for the kids to play with.  The service didn't start until 7:30.  We found seats and Juliana began to occupy herself in the usual way: drawing pictures.  Our syngagogue actually shares space in a church, so Juliana spends her time drawing pictures on the prayer request cards.  Here's a typical one of her drawings: 

Soon, however, she was getting tired and antsy.  She passed me a note:

I was under the mistaken impression that there would not be dessert, and told her so.  This did not make her happy.  She scowled and passed me this note:

I whispered to her that the service would be done soon.  (A bald-faced lie, that.)  Now she was practically lying down in her chair and giving me the dirtiest looks possible.  I worked hard on absorbing myself in the service, namely with praying for patience.  Ritu decided he would help matters by passing me note.  Apparently he thought we were at a piano bar, so he put in his request:

Very funny, that one.  <insert eye rolling here>

Juliana wasn't going down without a fight.  She passed me another note:

You can see she was too tired to make an entire sad face.   Again, I encouraged her to hang in there and that we'd be done soon.  She wasn't falling for it.  A few minutes later, I got this:

At this, I actually burst out laughing.  Right in the middle of a solemn part, of course.  Eventually she climbed onto my lap where she stayed for the duration of the service.  I held her and wondered if attending the service was enough to cancel out the murderous thoughts I had when she misbehaved at the synagogue.  Probably not.  


Anonymous said...

Ohmigod....once again, I have laughed till I'm in tears.  
(Of course, my mother, the VERY proper lady, would NOT BE AMUSED if she were, in fact, alive.)

Anonymous said...

Please. As if THAT is misbehaving.  Ben would "forget" to be quiet and shout all of those things.  But seriously, if you'd given her that second N, she'd be a much better child.

Anonymous said...

It's all your fault for not giving the poor kid dessert!