Saturday, March 15, 2008

Cork Floor Pictures

First things first....Juliana and her beloved mechanical pencils!

Next we have pictures of the Michigan office:

Here are some close ups of the cork floor.  It comes in rectangular "planks".  This gives you a good look at the grain.  The floor itself is perfectly smooth because it comes with two layers of polyurethane already on it.

Here's where it meets the wood flooring in our entryway.  It looks a lot darker in this picture than it actually is.

Today, after letting it sit empty for 5 days, we finally started working on putting the furniture back in.  Exciting stuff!  Except for one small thing.  The polyurethane ONCE AGAIN started coming up everywhere the furniture made contact with it.

Somebody come kill me.


Anonymous said...

Eeeegads are you going to get your money back???

Cool pencils.

Anonymous said...

OMG i want to help peel the floor!

Anonymous said...

OK, the pencils are great.
The floor....not so much.  What the heck is going on??

Anonymous said...

Well that stinks on ice.  It was so pretty!  I was all ready to get it. Of course the peeling IS kinda nice...

Anonymous said...

Beautiful floors; but the peeling -- ay, yi, yi.