Monday, July 21, 2008

Holding Pattern

I'm thinking we are never going to name this pig.  Juliana and I are leaning towards Juniper.  David remains adamant about Sparky.  I'm getting emails pushing Polly.  And there's a disgruntled contingent displeased that Gigi didn't make the list.  In the meantime, we're still calling her Smoky (Smokey?) and the good thing about that name is that it has immediately lent itself to a number of good nicknames which, if you were not aware, is eminently important in a guinea pig name.  Smoky has already been called Smoky-Dokey-Artichokey, Smokely-Dokely, Smokester and The Smokinator. 

In other news, here is my injury of the day:  David left the toilet seat up and when I went to put it down, the lid came down with it and banged me on the arm hard enough to leave a nasty bruise.  Last week I gave myself a second degree burn on my thumb when I attempted to take a cake out of the oven and managed to position the pot-holder incorrectly.  I wonder if anyone would read a blog entitled Injuries Du Jour...


Anonymous said...

Well, I did LOVE Jumana, so I almost voted for Juniper....liking Polly still though.  I assume that Juliana has the final vote though.    Juniper, Jumana, Juliana...what is the common denominator?  By the way, I have 6 boys (husband still included) in my household and I have NEVER bruised/fractured/strained or even sprained my arm while putting down a toilet seat........Get rid of the spring-loaded seat!  Immediately, or your head will be next!  :)S

Anonymous said...

Me thinks you need to put the pic up of you destroying the wall of my house.  Remember??????  LOL

I think Smoky-Dokey-Artichokey is a lovely name!