Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Crafty New Year!

I am so totally not a Martha Stewart type, but on New Year's Day we had a small brunch and Juliana and I decided to make party favors.  She pored over her Pink Princess Cookbook and we finally decided to make fortune cookies with happy messages to start the New Year off right. 

First, she brainstormed fortunes.  Here's a partial listing of what she came up with.  (Could she be more full of sunshine?  I swear, a career at Hallmark awaits her.)

Your pets will be funny, cuddly, cute, & and awesome!

Hope this year is full of fun and learning!

Hope all your dreams come true.

May every day be excellent this year!

Have a great adventure this year.

Spend the year laughing.

Hope everything you learn is exciting.

Hope your world is full of friendship.

(I'll admit to adding one that said "Hope Voldermort doesn't get you this year." and another that said "Your hair looks great!"

We tried to print out the fortunes on some nifty vellum paper but all it did was jam the printer, so we settled for regular paper and cut each one out with those scissors with the patterned edges.  (See, I told you I wasn't crafty.  I assume those scissors have an actual name.)

Then we made the cookies.  The recipe is so cute and easy.  Basically you start with a refrigerated pie crust, roll out any wrinkles and cut it into circles using a 3 inch round cookie cutter.  You place a paper fortune on the circle, fold the dough in half, then fold it in half the other direction.  Brush the top with a little water, dip it in colored sugar crystals and bake until it's golden brown. 

After they cooled, we were ready to package them.  We'd visited a couple of party stores to find small Chinese take-out containers in assorted colors.  We used a bag of cellophane shreds to make a nest in the bottom for the cookie to rest on. 

We made a dozen so that
each person got a box with a single fortune cookie inside.


Anonymous said...

Now will you come over and re-cover all my furniture after you finish sponge painting my living room?

Anonymous said...

When you're done at your mom, can you come here and organize and label everything in my house?  I love how you do that color coding thing!

I'm impressed with the cookies.

Anonymous said...

how cute! Next time i visit we should do some sort of crafty project.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that is actually so Martha Stewart its' freaky.  It makes most people look like lazy slugs.