Saturday, January 20, 2007

Great Skating, Sybil!

Last weekend, Juliana put on her slippers and zoomed all around the wood floors in the kitchen.  She moved as fast as she could, slipping and sliding, in her version of ice skating.  As she is her father's child, she narrated the entire experience as she skated:

"Look at her go.  Now she's skating around the island.  She almost crashes into the table, but she's still skating.  She goes off the ice and onto the carpet, but she's still skating.  She's having a snack (holds her hands to her mouthfake chewing sounds here) but she's STILL skating.  Wow, she's so fast and so good at skating.  Now she's coming around the corner.  She almost crashes into the island, but she doesn't.  Look at her go!  Still skating!  She is the best skater I've ever seen!"

This must've gone on for 10 straight minutes.  I was trying to sit and read, but by the end I was cracking up.  I tried to stay quiet because I knew if she heard me laughing, she'd want to know what was so funny.  Finally she took a break and I commended her on her excellent skating.  Plus, I said, I really liked the announcing.  She nodded in agreement at me and said, "The one who was talking a lot is named Bill.  The one who wasn't talking very much is named Bob."


Anonymous said...

Go Bob!!

Anonymous said...

LOL - who knew her little head was full of other people.  ;)

Anonymous said...


Don't let her find your ice skates.

Anonymous said...

Awesome.  Ben is batshit crazy too.  Maybe they should marry.  Oh, and go to my blog, click on the link to Steve's blog (Puzzling Evidence) and read his love for Galactica.

Anonymous said...

Ahem.  I just asked you to READ Steve's blog, not use it as a vehicle to snag him away.  I have mad Schiksa Skillz, my friend.