Thursday, July 17, 2008

Today's Update

Here's a Smokey and Spots update:  We moved Smokey's cage almost right up against Spotty's and suddenly they discovered each other.  Spots spent a lot of time last night up on her hind legs staring at Smokey.  Smokey, who is mellow as can be and seems mostly interested in food (I don't think she was optimally cared for at her old home and I figure she thinks she's on a cruise right now what with the constant eating available) didn't seem bothered by Spots and her scrutiny.  At one point, though, Smokey hauled her big fluffy self over to look at Spots and they spent some time sniffing at each other and chewing happily on the bars of the cages.  We've had them each separately on the floor having "run around time" so I think they are gradually getting used to each other's scent.

Also, here are the name suggestions from the blog/email so far: Lassie, Bob, Jumana (still haven't googled this and not gonna risk it with my 8 year old here reading along!) Joe, and Gigi.  (Juliana just said.  "I think the best one so far is Gigi.  Did you let them know it's a girl?  Gaga suggested Bob because she's Gaga.  <sigh>")  I'm not sure you people are really applying yourselves where guinea pig names are concerned!

More later.  The kids and I are going out on a friend's boat this afternoon, so providing we don't meet a watery death, I'll type up Juliana's name list this evening.


Anonymous said...

What a cute piggie!  I guess the name Fiona is out and the only other name that pops into my head is Thumper.

Have fun on the boat - be sure to take some pictures.

Anonymous said...

I'm going with an S theme:  Speckles or Sparkles.

Anonymous said...

OK, aside from the watery death that I assume you have avoided, my main concern is that you ACTUALLY THINK that I, the mother of 6, would EVER, EVER send you a potential rodent name that was somehow, SOMEHOW offensive!!!!!  Yep, you're right, I really, probably, most likely, might send something along those lines.........yet, Jumana is an Arabic name which means (according to an old client by just that name).....wait for it...........Silver Pearl!  :)S  Still loving the shortened version though........

Anonymous said...

I once knew a dog named "Miss Thing." That's the best dog name ever, and I think it would go nicely on a guinea pig.

The only other name I can think of is "Peruvian Lunch Special."

Enzo says, "Agent Fluffy."

Bennett says, "Wombat," because it looks like one.

Anonymous said...

Another name: "Rebound."
Todd says, "Flushy."