Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Relay for Life 2008

On July 12th, my family participated in the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life. Relay is a 24 hour event dedicated to raising money to fight cancer along with taking time  to remember those who have lost their lives to the disease and showing support for those who are currently battling it.  If you have a Relay event in your area, you should definitely check it out.  While some people (like us) pitch a tent and hang in there for all 24 hours, the entire event has an almost carnival like atmosphere.  There are games, bake sales, auctions, and all sorts of fun activities to raise money for the ACS.  The Relay part of it is that each team tries to have a representative out walking the track for the entire 24 hours to symbolize how cancer never takes a day off.  (Our team managed walkers for 21 and a half hours, so um, maybe cancer took a quick nap?)

Last year we participated mainly because our good friend was one of the event co-ordinators.  Our team raised a good bit of money and we had a lot of fun, so we were looking forward to this year. 

Our family is fortunate in that we haven't been touched directly by cancer.  Fighting cancer has pretty much been an abstract concept for us.  This year, in the span of about a month, we found out about three people we knew who were diagnosed with cancer.  Well, four, if you count Emma.  Which I do.  One was the grown son of one of my friends, one is a mom who has a son on David's soccer team, and the third is a very dear friend of mine named Susan. 

I first met Susan on the old AOL Pregnancy Pal message boards back in 1997 when I was pregnant with David and she was pregnant with her son, Joseph.  Even after the board split up (like they always do!)  Susan and I have been part of an email loop that has lasted all these years.  Although I've only spent time with her in person once, we have a shared history that runs deep. 

Susan is still in the process of being fully diagnosed.  She has Stage 1 breast cancer and so far, things are looking cautiously optimistic.  Susan is lovely, gentle, and even-keeled.  She tolerates my sarcasm and evil humor beautifully and I'm sure she spends plenty of time praying for my soul.  ;-)  Anyhow, Susan, this year I dedicated my Relay experience to you. 

Well, not sure if you can read that....but I had her name on my back.

Our event is held at the local high school and as the sun goes down, the track is lined with luminaria bags.  Each one bears the name on of someone who has been affected by cancer.  Here are some of the luminaria bags made in support of Susan.

And here's one Juliana made.  Note the guinea pig with halo and wings.

If you would like to donate to my Relay for Life team, just let me know.  Even though the event is over, contributions are still being accepted into August.


Anonymous said...

Janet - you are a beautiful person.  My prayers and thoughts are with Susan.
God bless,

Anonymous said...

Janet, I can't even speak right now much less type coherently.  Thank you so so much!  I am so honored and touched!  Thank you!!!!