Thursday, December 20, 2007

This Must Be A Sign Of The Apocalypse

I actually laughed at Ziggy yesterday.


Anonymous said...

I did, too...but I was embarassed to acknowledge it.

Anonymous said...

I do believe the Dark Lord was looking for the three wisemen who were actually Harry, Ron and Hermione (after ingesting polyjuice potion which was brewed from hairs of the actual wisemen; those having been procured by Hermione using her time travelling necklace) since the myrrh was actually a horcrux.  It's either that or Voldemort was sentenced by God to atone for his sins by becming the manny for that little brat Jesus who he also probably wanted to, but still could not kill!!

Anonymous said...

Well, then.  I think "sarahthinksjanet" is thinking tooooo much.  And is around tooo
many children.  And has lost her wee tiny mind.  Other than that, she makes some decent point.  And I'm gonna tell Father Whatshisname.

Anonymous said...

Sarah thinks Momdeplume is missing Sarah tooooo much.  Sarah misses Momdeplume also!!!!!  In case Sarah is wrong about Voldemort, then 'momde plume' should definitely contact Father Whatshisname. Look for Father W. under his alias, James Porterfield.  He and his nun of a wife would love to hear from momdeplume!!!!!  By the way, what the heck is up with my ' wee tiny mind'?.......For the love of all that's holy, I did have six children in an absolute effort to thwart that zero population growth organization!  :)S