My old friend Sarah (you know her as the commenter SarahThinksJanet) just sent me a link to an ebay auction for more of the David namebands. I politely thanked her and told her I'd gotten a new one, then quickly realized the value in having a spare and hit the buy it now button. Thanks, Sarah!
I took that picture the night of David's first viola "concert". He has taken to this viola like nothing I've ever seen before. I never have to bug him about practicing and four days a week he gets out of bed without complaint an hour early to go to his before school lesson. Last month we had people over for dinner and he actually offered to play his viola for them. I think back to all the times my mother begged me and my sister to just play a little something for our relatives on our flute and clarinet, respectively, and it blows my mind that he is so motivated with this viola. Not only that, in his music class in school they are doing a unit with recorders and he is teaching himself to play songs. I am blown away by the amount of initiative he's showing and the overwhelming pride and satisfaction he takes from it.
He even let me take a bunch of pictures and if you know David, you know how unusual that is:
Gonna show Mag -- she'll dig it! She, too, is loving the viola.......sitting in the shocked corner with ya.....
He looks so very Sahni in these pictures. I'm glad to see he's taking to the music hopefully he's not tone-deaf and rhythmically challenged like the other Sahni's (excluding you of course).
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