(By the way, has there ever been a more gloriously unnecessary feature than Snapfish's Red Eye Before/After button? Nothing funnier than clicking it and watching your loved one's eyes intermittently glow red. It's more like a Before/After the Exorcism button.)
It's been just about a year since we became guinea pig owners (I KNOW. I can't believe we've kept them alive this long either.) and we debated long and hard on how to best celebrate. We finally came up with the perfect solution. Usually, the bedding in their cage is a mixture of aspen and paper litter. We toss handfuls of Timothy hay in there every day as it is key for their little digestive process. In general, the cage looks like this.
To mark this special occasion, we decided to fill their entire cage with Timothy hay. It would sort of be like you filling your entire bedroom waist deep in peanut M&Ms.
Here's Spots in the hay.
Such a camera whore, that one. We'll have to add that to her list of nicknames. (Which include: Spotty, Potty, Spotster, Spaz, Spazzy, Spottykins, Spotarama, Pottykins, Spotty Pig, and The Pig Who Does The Spot Trot.)
They loved the hay. They climbed all around, then burrowed into it. Eventually they even made a little tunnel. Here's Spots, cleverly camouflaged.
Is that cute or what? Here's her little Spotster Bum sticking out of the hay.
And check out how good Emma (aka Emmers, Emma-coo, Emma-cootiepie, Emmykins, Hem-Hem, Fatty-coo, Fatty Pig, Fatty Fat Fat, Tiny Bison, Sweet-Tooth Pig, Chubby Pig, Chocolate Bar) looks! Not tilty at all!
Oh. My. God. Pottykins and Fatty-coo?? I'm sure glad you went for that Masters degree. I can see the results here of a fine education. Hem-Hem? What the hell-hell is that?
Holy mackeral those pigs live in the lap of luxury! Couple of questions tho: 1. What keeps them from scaling the sides and climbing out, other than they would be leaving paradise? 2. What is that blue ball thing-y? It looks too small to be an excercise wheel. It looks like a Bingo cage---OMG do you play Bingo with them?!
They sure are cute---unfortunately my pets would think they just look tasty....
Turns out guinea pigs can't climb. I think it has something to do with their giant fat bodies and their tiny little legs. And since I don't have any other pets in the house, I can just leave the top open like that. The blue things is a hay wheel. You cram it full of hay and they can spin it with their little claws and eat out of it. You can also take it off the frame and they can push it around on the floor as they eat from it. We, of course, call it The Wheel Of Hay (said in your best Wheel of Fortune voice) and we calculate how many Piggy Points they get with each spin. (We are totally normal. I swear.)
Normal? You - nah!
LOLOL - I have to agree with Momdeplume, Janet. Hem-hem?
Really Janet, as if you are fooling anyone.........we all recognize your kids in those guinea pig costumes!!!!!!!!! Where on earth did you get those GIANT pumpkins so they could pose among them?? :)S
Oh, piggies!! I reluctantly moved our girls out of the living room when I repainted. They're in the dining room now, which is appropriate b/c they are always eating. Your pigs look so very wee compared to mine.
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