In the meantime, I had a complaint (I'm looking at you, Jen) that there hadn't been any pics of the kids lately, so here you go. Juliana had an open house at school today where the parents were invited to come view the first graders' animal research reports. Here are a few pics from that.
Here she is standing next to her report and the hands-on model of her animal.
Her report was on rabbits. Here's a close-up of the sock puppet rabbit in its habitat.
Isn't she a doll?? Her outfit went from Springy Cute to Ragamuffin once she added the hairscarf and ratty Converse All-Stars.
I have some pictures of David from his class production of Charlotte's Web, but he's standing right here and is threatening me with death if I post them. Sweet child, that one...
What part was he in Charlotte's Web. We just listened to it on CD.
Hi Claire! It was an extremely modified version and he was one of the narrators.
Juliana ALWAYS looks so cute, but your public deserves more of David! He is a very handsome lad and would be even more so if he ever brushed his hair. May I be the first to inform the world that when they had "funny hair day" at school, David just went as he usually does!
She is precious! LOVE the rabbit and it's habitat.
I think she looks more like me as she gets older.
but i'm vain.
It's about time !! PVH is too adorable as always. I swear, I'm still sore from laughing so hard. I love PVH's sock bunny, great job !! Hurry up and post David's pictures. I miss you already !! !! !!
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