Wednesday, August 20, 2008

I Promise!

Where has August gone?  Maybe you, like me, have had your time sucked away by the Olympics.  You know, where you stay up late watching things that you would never watch if they weren't Olympics?  Like, say, water polo? Or women's softball?  But I can't blame my lack of blogging entirely on patriotism.  I had a few other major distractions like plowing through the Twilight series in a couple of weeks.  (I think there is a special place in literary hell for me because I started To Kill A Mockingbird, then put it down 1/3 of the way through to whip through the last three Twilight books.)  Also, I may have developed a teeny-tiny new addiction to Facebook.  It reminds me of my old days on AOL (all 13 years of them).  You can sign on and see if your friends are there!  You can chat!  Look at pictures!  Send those mystery hatching eggs!  Superpoke!!

Are those enough excuses?  My point is that tomorrow we leave for 6 days in Sunriver and I plan to do a nice chunk of blogging while we're there.  So, get nice and comfy there on the edge of your seats. 

Now I'm off to update my Facebook status.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I sure hope you have time to blog.  I feel the world is far behind in knowing about your children, your pigs, and most of all, your bruises.