David seems to be inventing his own slang. This morning he looked at the clock and exclaimed, "Oh my Snappalachian State, it's 6 AM!" What is he, somebody's gay hillbilly grandpa?
We've been reading All of A Kind Family which features a Jewish family living on the East Side of New York City in the early 1900s. I read them when I was a girl and the kids have enjoyed them. Juliana, in particular, is delighted by any mention of Judaism in books or movies, so this has simply captivated her. The all-of-a-kind part refers to the fact that there are five sisters in the book....Ella, Henny, Sarah, Charlotte, and Gertie. The kids can remember that Henny is a nickname (I really wanted to use the word "soubriquet" there. Pretentious, much?) for Henrietta, but they keep having a mental block about what Gertie is short for. David asked me, "What is it again? Gertaline?"
Yesterday my friend and I were at Border's choosing things to sell at our synagogue's Chanukah fair. Border's lets us buy things at a discount, sell them for list price and keep the profit. We go through the entire store and select a collection of books and gift items with a Jewish slant. This includes Jewish cookbooks, fiction by Jewish authors, kids stuff and pretty much anything that we think might appeal to our members. As we go through the store, Border's employees offer to help us, but they are often stumped at the entire concept of Jewishness. Here is an actual exchange I had with a Border's employee when she saw I had this book:
Border's Employee: Is that a humor book?
Me: Yes.
Border's Employee: Oh. Because I didn't think that George and Laura were Jewish.
Me (speaking slowly): Yeah, see, that's what makes it funny.
Sweet Sappalahia....even Gertaline would object to getting up so early!
lol. Bless her heart.
I loved All of a Kind Family. I got the CDs, but I think the kids didnt' like the reader or something b/c they just won't let me play them. Losers. Maybe Julianna (mine, with the extra n) would like it as a book.
you need to write an entry about how great i am! also you are sitting right next to me.
Let's begin with: You have sort of suggested that you would travel (through airports at least) with a helmet.........where was that item as you scooted along the 'moving walkway'? Also, I hope you have considered the dollar amount of any life insurance policy held for you (and the recipients of said policy), because honestly, Ritu and Juliana might really want to "off" you. It's that father-daughter bond/We Want a Ferrari Policy. :)S
LOL - think of it like being entertainment for the other travelers in the airport!
I loved the One of a Kind Family when I was a kid. I have to tell my mom about Gertaline. Her teachers always insisted her name couldn't really be just "Bonnie" and called her "Bonstance" through grade school.
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