Speaking of that little darling, I think he may be a blogger-in-training. Why, he's already written his very first rant! As I am a mean mom, I have my kids do some math and writing work over the summer. The whole thing takes maybe 30 minutes out of the day and we've probably only done it 7 times since school ended. Now, David is a smart child and he picks things up quickly. What he hates is being corrected. Unfortunately, he must've been sick the day they learned how to estimate in math class because he consistently screws it up. I sat down with him yesterday and gently explained what he was doing wrong. Did I mention how much he loves that? After the Math Drama (now with tears!) he was ready to move on to writing. I don't care what he writes about as long as he types up a well-constructed paragraph with complete sentences and accurate spelling and punctuation. Here's what he wrote:
Numbers are stupid! There are many reasons why I hate Numbers. One reason is that is that if you add numbers you get Math problems, and with math problems you get school, and with school you get home work, and I hate Home work. Also with problems you get them wrong, and then you get really angry when you find out and have to redo them. With numbers you also count and counting is very boring. There are also games with numbers like Yahtzee, and thoseare boring as well. Numbers are the stupidest things on earth and I will always hate them.
First of all, do NOT buy the house next door. No one will come and help you move box by box again.
Secondly, I am still laughing at my grandson's disdain for numbers. And I am identifying with him strongly. Numbers are stoooopid.
Oh my god I LOVE that kid. You are SO right, young man! Amen!
<i> What he hates is being corrected. </i>
Gee is he a Sahni....
I am officially caught up on Janet's world!! You make me laugh as always!!
Ahh, but there will come a time when the numbers 36, 24, 36 will be the most brilliant numbers he can imagine! :)S
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