Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Say A Tiny Little Prayer

I'm off to take one of our guinea pigs, Emma, to the vet.  She's been cocking her head to the side for the past few days.  I think it's because we gave her a bath on Saturday and she might've gotten some water in her ear and now maybe it's infected?  I'm hoping it's nothing worse than that or we are going to be a house full of misery.  (And before you decide it's God punishing me for writing about cooking guinea pigs, she was already in this condition when I wrote it!)


Anonymous said...

you give guinea pigs baths?

Anonymous said...

Good luck, Emma! I'll kick you $5 if you need to buy a new one. Hopefully that will be enough to trick the children and assuage the misery.

By the way...speaking of cooking the little creatures...maybe you could serve it up with a tasty, healthful grain, and call it "quinoa pig."