1. Took off a big chunk of my fingernail with a butter knife. Sweet God in Heaven, a butter knife. Pathetic doesn't even begin to describe me.
2. Found out it will cost $635 to fix the damage on the van. <sigh>
3. I made an appointment today with a new doctor. She can see me tomorrow morning. I like her already.
Last night during dinner, Juliana managed to spill her burrito all over herself. (Where does she get that?) We'd been going around the table having each person share the best and worst parts of the day. Juliana's worst part was "having burrito lap". Her messy state inspired her to write a poem:
Isn't she awesome? For those of you who aren't fluent in 7 year old, here's what it says:
Whether I'm Clean
Whether I'm clean or
not as you've always
seen I'll lay on
yellow deedee and dream
Yellow deedee is a crocheted yellow, green, and white blanket that her grandmother made for her before she was born. She's used it every day of her life and loves it more than anything else in the world. If her love for deedee were an SAT question it would read like this: Transitional Object is to Yellow Deedee as Marijuana is to Crystal Meth. You can see how she represented deedee in the picture, the circles being the holes made by crocheting.
I love the illustration she drew. I love the blissful smile on her face and the closed, dreamy eyes. I love the thinking bubble above her head. I love how she's imagining herself as a princess with a crown. I love how my husband (who has known her just as long as I have, it turns out) looked at the picture and asked, "Why are you dreaming about a chicken?"
Awwww, the heart melts. What a lovely poem and illustration!
You had me 'awwwing' and 'ooooooing' with the poem and picture. And then Ritu came along. HEE!
What is next on your agenda? Suicide by spoon? Decapitation by pot holder?
1. I thought it was a chicken also.
2. I wrote poetry when i was little too!! I totally know what I'm getting her for the next birthday.
And I love how her poem is practically a Haiku. :-)
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