ANYhow, we just got back from a long weekend in San Diego. Ritu's brother got married on the beach at the Hotel Del Coronado. It was a simple, intimate, and beautiful affair.
Here's a view of the hotel from the beach:
It rained the day of the wedding. Laura had her heart set on being married on the beach and with only 20 guests and a quick and easy set-up, they were able to wait until the last minute when the sun miraculously came out.
Here's the bride joyfully stepping onto the beach:
My kids both got to be in the wedding. For Juliana, it was an absolute dream come true. She got to be a flower girl! A flower girl!! I never got to be a flower girl and I had to stop myself from grabbing the basket of rose petals out of her hands. David got to be the ring bearer. While Juliana would've slept in her dress, he barely tolerated wearing the white shirt and khakis required of him. Could they be cuter?
Seriously, could they?
The whole event was all-in-the-family. Neal and Laura asked Ritu to officiate the ceremony. California has a Wedding Commisioner for a Day program that granted him the authority to do that. I tell you, that man was drunk on power for weeks.
<i> From this day forward, I'm going to try and post something every day, even if it's something quick. </i>
That means now you'll finally be able to post the "glowing things about sarah" post you've owed me.
First of all, the children are just gorgeous, the bride looks happy and it looks like fun.
Secondly, could Juliana possibly look more like Sarah? And what does that say about Sarah? Hmmmm.
Welcome back, bloggerina!
Well, it's about damn time. I keep checking and checking and ::::sigh:::: I really need a life.
David and Juliana are absolutely beautiful (don't tell David I called him beautiful, just tell him he's man-pretty).
What a lovely wedding. How cool to have your own brother officiate the ceremony! Or is Ritu just setting Neal up for the world's most expensive April Fool's joke? I can see my boys as adults going either way. (Hope I didn't ruin any surprises!)
The kids are gorgeous!!
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