Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Give A Little Whistle

Good Lord, I am the worst blogger ever.  I could give you a big old sob story about why I can't seem to write consistently.  It would be 24 straight hours that sound like this:  blah blah blah snow days whine whine whine houseguests blah whine blah why the hell do I volunteer? whine blah whine sore throat runny nose blah blah blah.  Consider yourself filled in. 

It doesn't help my mood that David has learned to whistle.  You know when your kids are little and they beg you to teach them to whistle?  DON'T. You will live to regret it.  David tried for years and year unsuccessfully.  Why he can do it now, I have no idea.  But he can.  And he does.  Allllllll the fucking time.  He only knows two things to whistle:  the theme music from Star Wars and this song.  (And if you had any idea how much time I just wasted googling to try and figure out what the name of that song was, you'd understand why I never seem to post.)  I guess I should be glad that he does know a few actual  songs, even if he whistles them in endless loops.  Sometimes he'll do this, instead: Whistle a single sustained note, while waving his hand slowly in front of his face to change the pitch slightly.  Try it.  Isn't it fun?  <sigh>

I feel slightly guilty for squelching his one musical outlet.  But I've found over time that I can't tolerate a lot of noise.  I can't leave a TV on randomly in the background.  I can't have music on while I'm trying to write.  And, for the love of God, I can't listen to a 9 1/2 year old whistle every waking moment.

The other day I snapped and demanded of Ritu:  "Who the hell taught that child to whistle?"  He smiled at me and demonstrated yet again his complete inability to whistle. Oh.  Right.  Must've been me.  Which brings me to another annoying thing.  How the hell can you be a grown up who doesn't know how to whistle??


Anonymous said...

Ear plugs are nice!

But I just wanted to tell you about a website that would have TOTALLY saved you time googling for "Iron Man." It's a humming search engine:
Yep, it really, really is!

Anonymous said...

Why can't a grown-up whistle.  Dunno.  Ask your brother.  He can't either.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I can't whistle either.

Anonymous said...

My dh couldn't whistle either. Until recently. So. weird.

Anonymous said...

A humming search engine?!  Coolest thing EVER.

I guess my kids are just gifted (trying to affect the AOL parenting board smirk here), as they all could whistle by the age of 4.  Lucky me.  Lucky, lucky me.

Anonymous said...

Ugh...I hate whistlers.  I won't even watch Andy Griffith reruns.  I say duct tape his little head.

Anonymous said...

<snicker>  Ahhh...I'm going to brush up Kam & Jake's whistling skills.  Joy, you do the same.  It'll be so much fun watching Janet jump into Shamu's pool.

Anonymous said...

I loathe whistling!! Must be a 9 going on 10 thing to want to do.  James does a tuneless sort of whistling which he hopes is going to turn into the earsplitting whistle his dad does.