Having friends who will trim up the ragged edges of my hair in the elementary school library. (Yes, that's how bad it still is. People approach me with scissors.)
Call Me When You're Sober by Evanescence. That girl can wail. (I downloaded it on Itunes this week and it's logged more playtime than any other song on my list except Hips Don't Lie by Shakira which single-handedly pulled me out a funk this summer. It's absolutely seamless on repeat play.)
Friday Night Lights on NBC which gets my vote for best new series this year. Well-written, well-acted. I know it's about football. Get past that and start watching.
Mrs. Mays Almond Crunch Get thee to a Costco. Don't bother looking at the fat content. Just tell yourself that nuts are healthy and full of protein. Then sit down with a bag and watch Friday Night Lights.
That I felt this earthquake Sunday night. It was a little one, but I felt it--as did Juliana up in her bed. I made sure to fill out one of these forms which is the height of dorkitude.
The fact that my desk chair randomly and slowly sinks to its lowest level leaving me typing with my chin resting on the keyboard.
How the people who bought my old house decided to refinish the floors and had a truck in the driveway that made so much goddamned noise that my entire house vibrated. It went on all day until 8:40 PM. Who the hell is still refinishing floors at that hour? Let me tell you something, I lived in that house for four years. There's not that much in the way of wood floors. I'm guessing theywere going for the crispy crust of wood floors since that much sanding couldn't have left anything substantial.
The fact that Ritu was out of town for three days during which time I developed a sore throat and a headache, the children turned into demons, and it rained non-stop. Then, when he came home to save me, it turned out HE was sick with some stomach bug. Where is the fairness in that? How high do you think he ranked on my sympathy meter? I woke up feeling much better this morning, but I'm guessing that was simply out of necessity. (When I was sick, my thermometer refused to acknowledge that I had a fever. And everyone knows that you can't receive Official Sickness Sympathy until you have a fever. (For the record, Ritu claimed that he was most likely feverish last night, but zero proof = zero sympathy.) I get extraordinarily high maintenance when I get feverish, because as soon as my brain overheats, I immediately start to cry. Any little thing will set me off into paroxysms of sobbing. Most people around me know enough to stick a thermometer in my mouth when that happens.)
Ok, 5 loving and 3 hating. I must be losing my edge.
Janet! I have to tell you that one of Bill's college buddies is a featured actor on "Friday Night Lights!" His name is Brad Leland, and he plays the guy who brought the Hurricane Katrina QB on to the team, Buddy. We will tell him you are a big fan! By the way, most of the TV critics with brains are in total agreement with you about it being the best new series. :o)
Thanks for the great blog. I think the 5 to 3 ratio is wonderful.
Susan T
Oh man! That guy does such a good job on the show....my skin crawls as soon as I see him.
1 more for your hating column: You wont get to see ME for thanksgiving. sad.
Thanks for the song tip - the song Bring Me to Life is like the Shakira song for you. (However, I love Hips don't Lie too -- except when my daughter was warming up to it in her hip/hop class)
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