We accepted an offer on our house today! Povided that nothing major pops up during the inspection (I think I would've noticed a big hole in my roof, don't you? Note: Don't email me about stealth roof holes you've had personal experience with.) we have sold our house. This happened today-- also the closing date on our new house--nothing like taking it right to the wire. To say I am feeling good wouldn't begin to describe it. My stress has been manifesting itself in a number of physical ways: two nights of insomnia, lower back pain, and my jaw feels like I must be clenching it all night long. While not sleeping. I almost blogged at about 2 AM the other night but then realized that would be tantamount to drunken blogging and wisely decided against it.
Today the kids and I moved two loads of stuff from our storage unit to the garage of the new house. We had the wood floors re-surfaced and the house is being professionally cleaned on Monday so we can start the real moving process at that point. Don't expect too much from me this week, but I'll do my best to get caught up soon.
congrats!!! What a relief for ya'll!
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